Ni sambung dari posting dulu.
Thanks Lazyf for the comment. Maybe you are partly true. Maybe ada guy yang believe in love. Percaya pada cinta. Setia kasih pada cinta. But I have learned from my experience and the guys yang I pernah keluar for dating that they don't really actually look for love even if they said so in the first place. I chatted with one guy at YM yesterday. It was a very interesting conversation.
Imagine he's got 15 bfs from his age of 16 till 24. That's 8 years. Wow. Can a person have multiple bfs at any one time? macamana dia nak share the love? Which one should get more love from him? But having many bfs at any one time does it mean you that you are undecisive? Entah lah. I dun want to be judgmental etc but I can'?t share my love with multiple persons at any one time. Hey, i can't even have one bf. Ini kan pulak 15 bfs... What was I thinking?
Probably it's more lust than love. Macam mudah sangat. Seperti menukar baju. I can never be like that. I need to focus on one person to give all my love.
Hmm...kdg2 nafsu mengatasi segalanyer. Biler da ader seseorang yg btul2 suka kt kita, pasti ader yg lain yg ttp akan menarik perhatian kita. Maka jadinyer sprt yg u citer kt atas. Makanya hati jd berbelah bg sbb tlalu bnyk hati n perasaan yg nk dijaga, tu blum tmasuk hati n perasaan sendiri. Manusia mmg x penah puas dgn apa yg mereka ada... :-)
memang manusia tak pernah puas dgn apa yg mereka ada.
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